Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Six Natural Remedies For Acid Reflux

Acid reflux, commonly called heartburn, is caused when digestive acids flow up from the stomach and into the esophagus. The esophagus, located in the heart region of the chest, becomes irritated with a burning sensation.

There are lesser known symptoms other than heartburn for acid reflux as well: gas, bloating, flatulence and even apparently unrelated symptoms such as chronic dry coughing, sour or bitter mouth between meals, trouble swallowing, hoarseness, and wheezing.

Acid reflux usually occurs from a failure of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) to contract after swallowing food, thus allowing stomach acids to come up toward and into the esophagus.

This muscular failure to contract can be from several situations, including obesity, lying down after meals, eating just before bedtime, eating disagreeable processed fried foods, and over eating. Excess caffeine or alcohol can weaken the LES and induce occasional or reoccurring acid reflux.

Hiatel hernia, where the diaphragm muscle protrudes over the top of the stomach, is another contributing factor to acid reflux. If acid reflux occurs often on a regular basis, the condition becomes gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), which can develop into cancer of the esophagus if ignored.

Over the counter (OTC) or prescribed medications lead to other problems, of course. So here are a few suggestions for natural remedies.

Long term solutions from Dr. Edward Group

In addition to the usual lifestyle changes in order to lose stomach fat -- eating right, cutting back on sugar, alcohol, and caffeine, moderate exercise, and relaxation -- Dr. Group recommends increasing intake of digestive enzymes.

This can be done by juicing frequently, and by eating more organic raw foods, or supplementing. Cooking or processing food destroys enzymes, considered by many to be more vital than vitamins and minerals because it takes enzymes to metabolize them.

Increasing probiotics is always a good idea. Homemade milk or water kefirs, and foods such as miso and homemade sauerkraut are potent and economical probiotic foods. Less economical but conveniently accessible probiotic supplements are also available.

He also recommends high vitamin D intake and using real sea salt. Before undertaking drastic dietary changes, Dr. Group recommends doing colon cleansing enemas then graduating to coffee enemas for the liver. All this may seem to be too much for handling mere heartburn.

However, in addition to eliminating or avoiding acid reflux, all of these recommendations are essential for overall health.

Immunity, as well as good physiological and mental health depends more on a healthy gut than even many health professionals realize.

Suggestions for quick relief from acute heartburn

Dr. Group recommends organic unfiltered apple cider vinegar, a tablespoon in a little bit of water, to eliminate heartburn. This seems counter-intuitive in that apple cider vinegar increases stomach acid to aid digestion before meals. But there are many testimonials claiming it works.

He also likes to use baking soda (bicarbonate of soda, not baking powder), which actually shoots alkalinity way up. A tablespoon in a half cup of water can give immediate relief from heartburn. An ounce or two of unprocessed Aloe Vera juice is good for heartburn and stomach ulcers.

Dr. Andrew Weil advises using DGL (deglycyrrhizinated licorice) in chewable tablets or powder. He recommends chewing a couple of tablets or taking a half-teaspoon of the powder in water as often as it takes to get relief. He also likes slippery elm for soothing the esophagus.

Another counter-intuitive remedy is a half or full teaspoon of 40,000 heat unit (minimum) cayenne powder in water. Many claim it works. Master Herbalist John Christopher cured his stomach ulcer this way. Cayenne is also an inexpensive heart tonic.


Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing a nice blog for ! Acid Reflux Acid Reflux .

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I've been reading a lot about this nature’s miracle plant, it has many benefits when use both internally and externally.
Personally, I drink Aloe vera, it really prevents the onset of acid reflux.

Rose Maria said...

Heartburn home remedies?
obat sakit lambung

Unknown said...

From all remedy mentioned in this post, Aloe Vera juice is working for me to reduce my acidreflux. However, there are some other natural remedies like Licorice and Ginger also good on cure acid reflux problem.

ebookpdfguide said...

Thank you for taking some time to write this post. Here is another website with heartburn help. Read more about how to get rid of heartburn here to learn more.

Unknown said...

My wife been experiencing heartburn lately. Cutting down on spicy and fried food has definitely helped. Also, I'm a regular user of apple cider hence have gotten her to take it prior to meals. She's experiencing it less now - only occasionally. I also saw on some medical sites that mustard can help too. Anyone had experience with this?


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VEry useful information. <a href='https://doctoriduniya.com>www.doctoriduniya.com</a>

DoctoriDuniya said...

Nice blog. Ashi Singh

Unknown said...

Very useful tips. There are very safe and effective natural treatment for acidity. Acikill capsule targets the root cause of acidity rather than symptoms.

Unknown said...

Make acidity issue a thing of past. Consider taking herbal supplement to treat acidity naturally and effectively. It does not cause any side effect.

Unknown said...

Very useful post. Treat acidity forever with the help of herbal supplement in terms of effectiveness.

Cureveda said...

Thanks for sharing these tips. Aloevera juice is really helpful for me to reduce acidity. There are some other natural Acidity syrup which works well for acidity.

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Thank you for sharing with us.
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Acidity Cure said...
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Acidity Cure said...

Nice post for everyone. Acidity, also known as acid reflux, is the term for symptoms caused by excessive production of acid by the gastric glands in the stomach. The stomach is responsible for the breakdown of food, for which it secretes HCl. This acid completes the process of digestion and assimilation of food that we eat on a daily basis. An increase in the level of this acid can cause symptoms like indigestion, gastric heartburn, bloating or even stomach ulcers. If you want to know more about Ayurvedic Treatment for Acidity, you can visit our website or you can also call on +919015100300.

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Monil said...

Thank you. I wanted to ask:

A lot of the symptoms that you have mentioned can happen in several cases. Is there a way of knowing for sure that it is happening because of acid reflux? Could it be because of bad Gut health or some other factor?

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Great post. Thanks.

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